HealthNEXT Subscription2021-10-22T19:38:07+00:00

Meet your on-demand medical expert.

Your HealthNEXT subscription includes access to NEXTperts who offer C-Level support for your evolving needs, without the price tag.

In-House Sales Training

The perfect Chief Medical Officer is hard to find.

HealthNEXT’s NEXTperts are not just licensed physicians and specialty experts. They have corporate leadership experience in establishing company-wide buy-in and treating entire organizations’ health and wellness needs.

  • Every company that joins HealthNEXT receives on-demand access to the NEXTpert of their choosing.

  • NEXTperts will support you in completing the EA50, executing on your customized roadmap, and attending to your organization’s specific needs.

Your NEXTpert:

  • Balances the pressures of benefits efficiency with evidence-based clinical effectiveness.

  • Offers a trusted “third-party” perspective, often serving as both the referee, advocate, and champion.

  • Provides direct onsite clinical resources for your population.

  • Offers any other insights or advice based on your organization’s needs.

Build and sustain a culture of health.

Our world-class team is available to support you on a range of topics, including:

  • Returning to work and continued pandemic response
  • Designing benefits that promote health and wellbeing
  • Controlling high-cost claims
  • Managing prevalent conditions such as obesity, hypertension, depression, and diabetes
  • Reducing your employees’ health risks

“The most important approach to health and wellness is a holistic one. That means that the approach should not be limited to physical health, but must include emotional and financial health and incorporate mental health aspects that influence health behavior and life/work balance.”

-NEXTpert Jim Reynolds, MD

Hear from the NEXTperts themselves.

Read the latest research from our leadership team and our panel of NEXTperts.

Get long-lasting ROI with HealthNEXT.