
Discover the ten steps to controlling rising healthcare costs and improving the health and wellbeing of your employees. Download our 2024 Learnings Report and get exclusive access to our 12-part Masterclass email series.

Reduce healthcare cost trends and create an enduring culture of health and wellbeing.

Your customized strategic roadmap to addressing high healthcare costs and gaps from best practices – resulting in increased organizational performance, lower employee attrition rates, and improved employee health and wellbeing.

Chaos Hates Strategy: The HealthNEXT Roadmap

The HealthNEXT program provides a customized roadmap and world-class guidance for organizations large and small, driving a significant return on investment and ensuring no miss-steps along the way.


Return to Work Confidently

with Ray Fabius, MD

As a global physician executive, Dr. Fabius leads organizations in COVID-19 and SARS pandemic response. Known for his expertise in population health and quality management, he has presented on topics such as employer guidance for return-to-work strategies and constructing a culture of health with executive support.

Jim Reynolds

Get Strategic Guidance That Works

with Jim Reynolds, MD

Dr. Reynolds is a Board-Certified Physician Executive Strategist with a 35-year career in health, healthcare, and benefits guidance. As a NEXTpert, Jim guided the strategic initiative for a mid-market healthcare system, resulting in reduced employee turnover and a drop in year-over-year healthcare spend by 30% within the first year.

Dan Conti

Lead from the Top

with Dan Conti, PhD

Having worked extensively in corporate behavioral health, Dan's expertise guided the development of a successful health and wellness program for a multinational investment banking corporation. Wellness education was incorporated into all levels of leadership development, which resulted in a high rate of enrollment and participation.

Cherryl Christensen

Ensure Business Continuity

with Cherryl Christensen, DO, MC, FACOEM

Cherryl is a former Corporate Medical Director for Procter & Gamble Company. For 27 years at P&G, she was responsible for the health and wellbeing of 127,000 employees in over 80 countries. Her expertise includes developing pandemic flu plans, creating national and international medical disaster management and travel medicine processes, and building EAP and executive health programs.

Andy Crighton

Address Health Disparities

with Andrew Crighton, MD

Dr. Crighton’s expansive career, including his 19 years as Chief Medical Officer and Head of the Global Health Organization for Prudential, focused on addressing health disparities in a corporate environment. He has led strategic transformations towards a more holistic view of health, including physical, emotional, social, spiritual, financial, and cognitive well-being. Through his work, he developed measures that show how the work environment impacts each aspect of individual and organizational well-being.

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What is the Culture of Health Program?

The Culture of Health Program is a proven 2-part methodology consisting of an employer assessment and guided strategic roadmap for bending the healthcare cost curve and achieving a healthier, more productive workforce.

See Where Your Organization Stands

Understand where your organization stands in its journey to a culture of health. Our NEXTperts work alongside you to complete the EA50, HealthNEXT’s 50-question online assessment for mid-market companies or the EHOA, for organizations of 5000 employees or more.

  • Measure your organization’s current standing, also known as “proximity to benchmark,” using HealthNEXT’s proprietary 10-pillar framework.

  • NEXTperts support you in completing the EA50 or EHOA and collaborate with your organization to analyze the results.

  • Establish a starting point for multi-year planning and tracking toward specific goals.

Start Your Journey

Your HealthNEXT Subscription includes access to a team of NEXTperts, including on-demand Chief Medical Officers, and specialty experts, to assist in building your organization’s custom roadmap.

  • NEXTperts build your strategic roadmap and are available on-demand as you progress through your journey toward a culture of health.

  • Set appointments, track progress, and analyze data with your NEXTperts, all in one platform.

  • Our world-class team is available to support you on a range of topics, from return to work and continued pandemic response, to effectiveness of programs and controlling healthcare costs.

Healthcare costs have been rising at 2-3x the rate of inflation for years.

To bend the healthcare cost curve, cultural change is required.

A culture of health is a holistic approach that surrounds employees in an environment where they are more likely to make healthy choices on a conscious and unconscious basis.

Companies that invest in a corporate culture of health outperform the stock market by an average of 2% per year and experience lower healthcare costs.

World-Class Expertise On-Demand

HealthNEXT’s highly experienced panel of NEXTperts includes on-demand Chief Medical Officers, Chief Health Officers, and specialty experts in behavioral health.

From positions in Fortune 500 companies to experience managing pandemics, the HealthNEXT team provides invaluable insights for organizations to prevent missteps.

Our experts have served as Physician Executives at organizations such as:

How is your organization preparing for the future of work?

The knowledge and insights our team has from managing pandemics are crucial as organizations face the inevitable after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Chief Medical Officers and behavioral health experts can help you navigate for success.

Get expert guidance today and strategize for the future with HealthNEXT.

Our team of experts is ready to guide you toward a culture of health and wellbeing.

Ivor Kiwi

VP of Operations

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